Saturday, November 3, 2007

Dad and John Through Time

One of my parents first homes was on Campus Way in Modesto, California. This was near Modesto Junior College where my father (and my brothers and I) would later graduate. My oldest brother John was only a few months old when his picture was snapped, held in the loving arms of our father Ed. The original shot was taken in late 1959. I revisted the old neighborhood in 2003 and found it largely unchanged. I was even able to locate the very place where my mother Karin must have stood when she took the original shot.

One of my goals when I came up with this blog was to present a rear-view mirror to the slowly fading past. As these pictures from yesterday fade and yellow, I believe that their place in time still exists as long as the memory remains in those who once passed them by. Keeping those we love alive after their passing is only possible when we permit ourselves the quiet times when reflection can bring us home.


  1. Clever overlay. Nicely done bro. You right, the place hasn't changed much...

    You've got my attention with this piece, so keep up the good work!


  2. This is a great post. I love how you superimposed the older photo over the recent one. It's great when you touch on something both informative AND personal.

  3. Awesome! I would have loved to have seen a wider shot. But you matched it beautifully!

  4. Excellent job! Love the melding of the 2 images.

  5. now that is a cool before and after overlay! wow...

  6. Do you have any more info on the original owners of the Hyatts Rancho Motel? I am trying to do a family tree and any info would help. I am so glad I found your's great! Thanks!
    Sam C

  7. Walterworld, love love love your blog. I too have lived in Modesto for what feels like forever and love seeing old pictures of good Ole MO town. I moved away for a few years and the old saying "you can never go home again...." is so true. I always wanted to raise my children in the Modesto I knew as a child. Peach Orchards, that smelled amazing on a hot August evening, skating at Roller King and trying to steal a kiss from your crush on the last couples skate, or simply cruising McHenry on a Friday night with the windows down, and music blaring hoping that the car coming beside you held that boy from 6th period, even though your just seen him 10 hours ago. Ahhhh but things change. I would love to see more of your pictures of Modesto in a bygone Era.
