Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Farewell Tagus Ranch…
Friday, March 4, 2011
Tagus Ranch & Perry's Coffee Shop Revisited - Tulare, CA
The site of this magnificent ruin has always piqued my interest whenever I'm motoring past, and several times at the urging of my kids I have stopped to document the old building's current state of decay. I last did so on August 6, 2010, and here are some pictures from that 100 degree day:
A few Urban Explorers have made it inside:
Menace said:
"Hello there Walter,
I may have not been alive to [see] this place in it's glory days but I did go see this place recently. I was filming a short film for my video class and we all decided to go to Tagus Ranch. We heard it was haunted(because we heard at least one girl was murdered there) so we were all frightened. Well we all went inside that place and it was really dark even in the daytime, we came upon the room with the pentogram(star) with strange symblos and an eye in the middle and we all freaked. Our video turned out crappy so we have to reshoot but this time at night!"
DECEMBER 18, 2009 6:57 PM
I sure hope 'Menace' made it back and will share some of the pics from the second outing.
Here's a closeup of the ghost-sign-brand 'TR' that used to adorn the exterior and can be seen in the postcard view from my original post.
Stacy Hargrove mentioned in her kind comments that she had been inside and that "...even the old Tagus Ranch symbol was there." Stacy: Would the symbol that you saw be the same one that used to grace this wall?
Ahh, the Great Sign:
Here's a souvenir for you smokers out there:
Long time Tulare residents will remember Perry’s Coffee Shop. Here’s a link to my previous post regarding “The Best Cup Of Coffee on Highway 99”, along with a postcard view of the interior from the 1960’s:

One happy couple enjoyed their time here very much, and wrote their friends Mr. & Mrs. Norman Anderson of La Puente, CA to tell them so:

“Dear Folks – We enjoyed our brief visit with you so much. Having a wonderful trip. This is a lovely dining room & a nice motel. Temp here is over 100 degrees but nice inside. We hope to see Sequoia National Park & Yosemite tomorrow. Regards, Florence and Tony Zelir”(?)
Postmarked Tulare, July 28th, 1962.
I looked up the Anderson’s address on Google, and (yay!) it hasn’t been demolished. But I do wonder if they still live there after all these (49) years? I suppose there’s a pretty fair chance that the Anderson’s have gone on to that great Coffee Shop in The Sky, in which case I hope to meet them one day to discuss this card :)
Unfortunately, the former Perry’s Coffee Shop building was demolished a couple of years back:
Here’s a bit of the terrazzo floor to contemplate. Too bad we can no longer perform this contemplation with fresh pie and hot coffee in hand…
Further north on the 99, we pass the ruins of the Mammoth Orange in Fairmead. We used to enjoy the best ‘Alaska Sized Burgers’ and squeezed-right-in-front-of-you Orange Juice Shakes at this historic roadside stand which was the last of its kind. Too bad the exit was closed which killed the business.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Hi - Lo Motel Cafe - Weed, CA
Another highlight of the region serves up good food and comfortable lodging to the weary auto-tourist. The sign for this place beckons both night and day, calling the hungry and tired to stop and stay awhile. This time, let's stop in at the Hi - Lo!
Nestled on the Old 99 in the still-small-town of Weed, we find the Hi - Lo Motel Cafe back in the days of Ike:
The fate of many 40's - 50's motels isn't always as pretty as a postcard from the past. Many end up surrounded by chain-link fence, with their pools drained and defaced by local wise-acres.
Having said that, I’m quite pleased to report that the Hi - Lo lives on, even though Mt. Shasta was 'Obscured By Clouds' during this recent visit:
The grounds were well kept and the restaurant was bustling. And guess what? The M-O-T-E-L and C-A-F-E letters in the classic sign still light up in sequence, although it's hard to tell on such a bright sunny day:
Monday, August 23, 2010
Norwalk Car Wash - Firestone Blvd
The good news about this wash-n-shine is that it looks to be as popular and well maintained as it ever was during its heyday:
Nearby are the shuttered remains of an old Van De Kamps restaurant (note the distinct former-Windmill tower) that had evolved into a Norm’s at some point:
Since Norm’s is closed, let’s have a bite at Douglas Burgers, where they Char-Broil the patties and also serve up Breakfast, Pastrami, and of course Burritos and Tacos.
From what I can find online, it appears that this place has been serving up some awesome (if fatty) food for quite some time:
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Pacific Car Wash & Bob's Big Boy
Located at 12050 Beach Blvd in Stanton, California, it looks like the Pacific has seen a lot of classic autos pass through it's gates over the years. Thankfully, most of it's 60's stylings remain, but I'm guessing that the large sign used to be a bit more 'grand':
Happy travels until next time...
Monday, May 31, 2010
Slauson Car Wash
The Slauson is just one of many fantastic 50's/60's style car washes scattered throughout the LA region.
I passed by after a stop at Simply Wholesome, which is housed in the former Googie landmark 'The Wich Stand' coffee shop & lounge.
Thanks for stopping by, I'll try to be back with a real post in the near future...
Friday, September 4, 2009
Greetings From Moab, UT - The Apache Motel & Other Scenic Sights
Here’s Main Street, back in the early 60’s:
Moab embraces its role as a hub for tourism and has many lodging choices to offer the weary traveler. A perfect example is the Apache Motel, which is:
Quiet off highway. Luxury 32 ultra modern units, TV, Pool, Playground, Air Cond. Delightful Restaurant. “Western Hospitality in the heart of the Canyonlands”

The pool is still in good shape, and those old-style metal umbrellas are probably the same ones that shaded Mr. Wayne when he relaxed at poolside…
Signs on (and off) of Main Street direct traffic to the Apache, which is located on a quiet looking street away from the heart of town.
Even at night, the Apache beckons:
I’m sure that John Wayne loved neighboring Arches National Park and all of its scenic wonders, including Balancing Rock:
Landscape Arch as well...
If the Apache is all booked up, perhaps the Rustic Inn or the Virginian Motel have a room available:
The Best Western Canyonlands was home to my family and I during our stay, and we heartily recommend this excellent motel to anyone planning a visit. The beds were very comfortable and the breakfast was outstanding!
The modern Canyonlands motel is located at the corner of Center and Main. In former days, the Canyonlands Café shared the site with the older incarnation of the motel:
The old Café was bulldozed in the early 90’s, and today ‘Pasta Jays’ sits on the corner. It was always busy during our stay, and you could smell the garlic a block away.
If you get a chance to visit Arches National Park, make sure you hike down Park Avenue around Sunset…It was a truly sublime experience.